Blue Story is a tragic tale of a friendship between Timmy and Marco, two young boys from opposing postcodes. Timmy, a shy, smart, naive and timid young boy from Deptford, goes to school in Peckham where he strikes up a friendship with Marco, a charismatic, streetwise kid from the local area. Although from warring postcodes, the two quickly form a firm friendship until it is tested and they wind up on rival sides of a street war. Blue Story depicts elements of Rapman’s own personal experiences and aspects of his childhood.
Blue Story (2019)
Taglines: Their Bond Made Them Brothers. The Streets Made Them Enemies.
Genre: Crime, Drama, Musical
Release Date: Feb 7, 2020
Director: Rapman(Rapman)
Stars: Stephen Odubola, Micheal Ward, Khali Best
Country of origin: United Kingdom
Language: English
Also known as: Câu Chuyện Buồn
Release date: May 5, 2020