Dwindle is a film based on the story of Sogo and Buta, two friends who hijack a car and venture into cabbing and how their lives take a drastic turn when their path runs into assassins who have just kidnapped the state governor.
Genre: Comedy
Directors: Kayode Kasum, Dare Olaitan
Cast: Akin Lewis, Alexx Ekubo, Babarex Desmond Elliot, Efe irele, Erica Nlewedim, Linda Osifo, Uche Jombo, Uzor Arukwe
Director: Kayode Kasum
Country of origin: Nigeria
Language: English
Runtime: 2 hours 6 minutes
Release date: July 16, 2021
IMDb: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt15149222/