In an underworld of weapons dealers and traffickers, a young boy becomes the pawn in a war between notorious drug lords. Trapped by kidnappers inside one of the world’s most impenetrable cities, his rescue beckons the unparalleled skill of a mercenary named Tyler Rake, but Rake is a broken man with nothing to lose, harboring a death wish that makes an already deadly mission near impossible.
Filename:Extraction (2020) [].mkv
Rating: R (Strong Bloody Violence|Language|Brief Drug Use)
Genre: Action, Mystery & thriller
Original Language: English
Director: Sam Hargrave
Producer: Eric Gitter, Chris Hemsworth, Mike Larocca, Joe Russo, Anthony Russo
Writer: Joe Russo
Release Date (Streaming): Apr 25, 2020
Runtime: 1h 57m
Distributor: Netflix
Production Co: T.G.I.M Films, India Take One Productions, Thematic Entertainment, AGBO
Sound Mix: Dolby Atmos
Aspect Ratio: Digital 2.39:1